

Timeline of Irish History is an online resource about Irish history - persons, places, events and everything in between - both as a standalone subject matter and a component of world history.

It has been started to take advantage of the unique opportunities afforded by digital technologies and online media, to source, collate, disseminate and distribute information of this nature. Irish history covers a large expanse of time and space. Nevertheless, the technology that we have at our disposal today, means that this information can be easily shared amongst a wide public audience, also in a manner that is speedy, efficient and reliable. It is intended that the full scope of this project, as it is rolled out, will incorporate written, audio and visual sources.

To get this project rolling we have suggested the following Historical Outline, starting with the present and working backwards. It represents an early, tentative suggestion for a Timeline of Irish History. We encourage you to check back regularly, to contribute and suggest improvements using the Visitor Gallery that we provide for this purpose. You can also Contact Us privately if you prefer.

Our News Section reports on new and upcoming publications, events, lectures, milestones, anniversaries, anything related to Irish History. Subscribe to our E-News service to Keep in Touch and receive periodic updates via e-mail. You can also follow us on the various social networking sites - including Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus.

Our online shop helps you to source books, publications, material relating to Irish history, using internationally recognised retailers and e-tailers, including Amazon.

This project is open to all and we welcome the widest collaboration. We have no restrictive or exclusionist remit. Our approach is to allow facts to speak for themselves. This project will assist in that process.

Feel free to Contact Us with your enquiries or if you wish to get involved.